An alcohol cleanse is a low pressure way to not only examine how substances may be negatively impacting your life, but also a great way to explore the benefits of sobriety without the long-term commitment. While I recommend doing it for 30 to 40 days to reap real benefits, CBS's #14Days On The Wagon challenge—a call for America to experience life without alcohol for 14 days (October 6 - 19, 2014) while learning about addiction and recovery from the experts—is a perfect opportunity to try an alcohol cleanse.
If you are interested in taking up the challenge, are thinking about planning your own alcohol cleanse, or are already in sobriety and just looking for ways to fortify non-drinking you, here are 10 tips to help you make the most of the experience.
1. Stop drinking in your mind first. The best way to make anything a success is to see it in your minds eye, and see it as enjoyable. Starting today, and every day through the cleanse, set aside a few minutes a day envisioning non-drinkin…