Apr 28, 2022Liked by Holly Whitaker

I have absolutely fallen into an OC rabbit hole in the past, and am now inspired to revisit. On a similar note, I re-watched My So-Called Life over the winter, and was confronted with the fact that I am now older than Angela’s mom, who goes through a tragic identity crisis in the show. I always want to be Angela, but now, somehow I’ve missed that chance and have become her anxious mother. Like, what the actual f?!

I went with TV first, but am hoping you (Holly) are fully Lyme-free and recovering from that traumatic tic experience! ❤️

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“Confronted with the fact that I am now older than Angela’s mom” lols. Feel this. I need to revisit, and no Lyme signs yet! fingers crossed. ♥️

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Apr 29, 2022Liked by Holly Whitaker

I live for MY So-Called Life. Jordan Catalano forever.

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I feel like I will now see him as Adam Neuman only.

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Ewww. No.

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May 3, 2022Liked by Holly Whitaker

Oh man you’re right. Cemented. As a person who lives in the woods and works in the city this really made me happy. Thanks as always.

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Yes for Florence Welch's sobriety. Check out this one https://open.spotify.com/track/6Ju28M6P8Y8sLjBgWjyUUD?si=dbeeb8db52a84bf7 and this one https://open.spotify.com/track/51oY1LQDglBFja1LJnqZqT?si=7f9625d9366f4886 Actually the whole High As Hope album. SO GOOD.

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Ooooh!! Thank you 😘🥰

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You're welcome <3

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Apr 29, 2022Liked by Holly Whitaker

I don't know who Florence Welch is, but the first thing that popped into my head was that it must be a punny take on "Lawrence Welk," like Kurt Vile is to Kurt Weill, then I looked up Kurt Vile's Wikipedia page and saw that it's his given name and felt judgy. So I'll go Google Florence Welch now and probably feel even more judgy.

I am sorry to everyone who has no idea who Lawrence Welk is.

Sobriety has definitely made me more willing to put all the leaves in bags then take them out again and be totally ok with it. I was so wound up in not disturbing anything, and it took this life shift to help me do shit and figure it out as I go along, rather than not doing anything because I was afraid I would do it wrong. Perfectly formed, springing from the thigh of Zeus, that had to be the way. I try not to regret things, but I do wish I had found this out a while ago.

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This: “Sobriety has definitely made me more willing to put all the leaves in bags then take them out again and be totally ok with it.” Also fun fact, my aunt dated Dick Welk, nephew of LW, for years.

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Apr 29, 2022Liked by Holly Whitaker

I have a complete irrational fear of ticks. That is all.

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Me. Too. However it’s now lessened? Somehow?

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That’s a miracle.

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Apr 29, 2022Liked by Holly Whitaker

Ugh...the ticks! My whole family has been through Lyme disease :( Stay on top of it...longer courses of antibiotics than the usual doctor suggests...and plenty of REST! XO

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Been nailing the rest. And so far no signs of Lyme 🤞

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Apr 29, 2022Liked by Holly Whitaker

I cry/sing I shall be released v regularly - I’m so glad to know I’m in good company. 💗

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Extremely therapeutic.

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Apr 29, 2022Liked by Holly Whitaker

Morning! Reading the snippet about Antabuse-it's like, well no shit!! Idk if it was like that for anyone else, but it was a lightbulb moment for me- it makes total sense that taking a med used to treat alcohol use also works for MH and anxiety, in particular. Now you wonder when the conversation might change to, "so common denominator here is the alcohol".

I also work as a RN in mental health so this was a fun fact to learn, thanks for sharing! And for the laughs (omg all those leaves you picked up), and for the OC talk (and the Gilded Age list....make it 6 that liked!).

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I did not pick up on that, at all. Tbis I why I love learning what’s obvious to other ppl. The OC validation is real.

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Apr 30, 2022Liked by Holly Whitaker

I was in no way a philosophy major and only briefly dipped my toe into the French existentialists in my 20's, but between Quitted, your sober anniversary essay and the fence, I'm feeling all the core principles of existentialism (freedom, phenomenology & authenticity, etc) popping out of the page...could also be a sobriety thing. But where in my 20's existentialism took me to the dark edges and scared the shit out of me, now in mid-life, I find comfort in what is solitary and unique to each of our experiences...whatever the fuck a "Thinx" is (lol). At 50, I'm seeing that the people who are embracing what is intrinsically, and sometimes troublingly, their own and not chasing fence posts, are the same people who care most for the collective good. Yourself included.

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I’ve read this like ten times and no response does it justice. Thank you.

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And also yes; you’re kind of spot on here. I also think it’s a sobriety thing, at least in part.

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May 1, 2022Liked by Holly Whitaker

My obsession with The OC is a defining memory of my teenage years. I've been craving a rewatch but the nostalgia may be too much.

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Just knowing that other ppl are out there missing it, is enough for me.

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I read those same 3 Emily St. John Mandel books over the past month, I’m in awe of her genius. Now having trouble picking my next read, no other books seem worth reading after those.

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I just finished listening to your talk w/Koa & found it fascinating. I’ve long considered myself a feminist but now know what a narrow lens I was looking through. Her book reminded me of another - “Hood Feminism” - which is on my “books to read” list

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I am currently transitioning from registered nurse to server! It was a crazy series of events and in the beginning I was a hot mess. Although I knew deep down it was time for a big shift. I have been putting off my masters degree due to a crazy work schedule and burnt out for 2 years. I’m so looking forward to 8 hour days and studying and doing the thing(s) I really want to do.

I too am looking at the fence.

Great essay and thank you for always inspiring :)

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