I thought of your newsletter from last week yesterday because I made a *silly* TikTok defending Olivia Wilde against the online hordes who same to hate her because....they love Harry Styles? And then someone commented "just admit you like a racist, homophobic, rapist defender and move on." I have no clue what they're talking about. I immediately deleted the app. It seemed hyper-sensitive, but at the same time....I was thinking about cherishing myself, and why I would ever choose to spend time in a reactive, superficial space where I cannot be whole and people will think I am someone who likes a racist, homophobic, rapist defender (which, btw, I really don't think she is, even after reading the old interviews she's apologized for).

And part of it connects to this post too. The world has been leveled. It's exhausting and fruitless to engage "as if," as if any of this matters. I saw somewhere that people writing in their diaries before the Soviet Union collapsed described an odd sense of unreality--nothing felt quite real, or right. I feel that way now, looking at Jen Psaki telling us to go drink margs as voting rights are stripped away. It literally makes me dissociative--so I think about what makes me feel like I'm real, like I'm actually *here*.

It's what James Carse said: “There are at least two kinds of games...One could be called finite; the other infinite. A finite game is played for the purpose of winning, an infinite game for the purpose of continuing the play.”

We're in the infinite game now. I am no longer really interested in winning, I don't even know what that means--but I'm not opting out of life, of this great infinite, unspooling story we are plopped into at this moment. I'm here for it, though I'm not quite sure what any of it means.

Anyway--long--sorry. As usual, thank you for your letter and I am SO excited about your podcast!

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This part: "We're in the infinite game now. I am no longer really interested in winning, I don't even know what that means--but I'm not opting out of life, of this great infinite, unspooling story we are plopped into at this moment. I'm here for it, though I'm not quite sure what any of it means."

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Jan 25, 2022Liked by Holly Whitaker

Sarah, this is a beautiful read, thank you for giving me the language to describe where I am, too. I have been trying to prepare myself for the short-term future, specifically for the mid-terms after which so many things are going to quickly go to shit, are going to get worse than we imagine... you've given me the language to understand that I'm preparing for the "infinite game".

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Hi Diane, I'm so glad it resonated! That quote has really registered with me too. Times are so odd. I'm in law school right now and sometimes it feels totally fruitless, but it's an odd balance--we can't completely abandon our daily lives and desires, but it does feel like there is so much more to be aware of/prepare for.

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Jan 23, 2022·edited Jan 23, 2022Liked by Holly Whitaker

Leave it to you to perfectly articulate what has been rumbling around in me lately. You just GET it and are able to put the thoughts out there and it all starts to make some kind of sense. Thank you! ❤️

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tryin' <3v Thanks for being here and validating what can feel like madness.

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Jan 23, 2022Liked by Holly Whitaker

I've been thinking that I'm having more of these rifts where I see the world for what it is and the artifice seems so cheap and pointless. Maybe obviously the first year of the pandemic made it so obvious as so many people around me were (mostly pointlessly) suffering because we didn't have the leadership to help people eat and keep their homes. And once in a while before that I would have that shock when looking at the insanity of "affordable housing" in NYC where six-figure incomes are one of the categories.

I had it again last night reading about Ukraine, having recently read some of Thich Nhat Hanh's writings and poetry from the 60s when he was advising MLK about Vietnam. Feeling like Will in Stranger Things, everything fell away leaving this bleak hellscape and I started yelling to my partner "why are people still getting ready for hand-to-hand combat and getting the bombs prepped over this shit? When do we get past war?" Or wondering if I just say fuck it and drop everything and figure out how to get a law degree and move to a state where they've gutted voting rights.

I love what you wrote. It's a trope or cliche or whatever, but I do think as we get older, the tendency to say "fuck it" and just be rather than chasing a trend gets easier. I say this as a cis/het male, so it's a lot easier for me I think, but I do find it's a lot easier for me to find how I'm good at helping others and focus on that a lot more when I wear the same outfit every day.

Thank you!

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I loved this so, so much David. Thank you for writing it. xx

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Jan 23, 2022Liked by Holly Whitaker

I work at an accounting firm and if you can ever imagine a situation where the actual state of the world is just completely ignored it's a bunch of CPA types scrambling to get clients taxes done on time. Death and taxes and all that. I have one coworker with whom I gut-check every day. "This is crazy right? Like this is fucking crazy that we are talking about which states are allowing the PTE credit for hours on end??? Is this real life?" It's draining the life out of me, but I'm 28 days sober today and I'm trying to convince myself that at least THAT matters. Anyway, this letter is so fucking good.

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YES. I was an accountant for years and years. I understand this, exactly.

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Jan 24, 2022Liked by Holly Whitaker

"The Book of Joy" put things in perspective, finished it this weekend. Listening to "After" Bruce Greyson as of late. I cannot wait for your podcast. You & Emily will help so many of us! Happy Belated Bday. I love you! 💙

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Ohhhh. Okay purchased. Love you forever Janet. Thank you <3

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Jan 25, 2022Liked by Holly Whitaker

I've had "The Book of Joy" in my "to read" pile forever. Maybe it's time to get it out and actually read it!

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confession: I bought it and I'm half way through. Read it! Worth it!

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It is so good have you back. Thank you for writing and I cannot wait for the new podcast. I heard you mention somewhere - that Cal Newport's work was an influence on you. His deep work model and living a value based life is dull in a sense but it is what people did before this social media/ High information society we are now in. I would love to hear more on his work from your perspective.

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Yes! I read Deep Work in 2018 and it had a massive impact, though I wouldn't say any immediate behavioral change. Over time though, it has. Love you T. Still have my Austin mug.

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PS. Jan 1 every year I watch your carry the fuck on video on YT. It still inspires me. While I have 3 years sobriety and alcohol has no power over me. I still feel what you feel in that video and I still cry. - Thank you for mentioning the mug - It is just a thing - but I am glad you feel some connection to it. I hope it bring you some joy when you feel down or alone in the world that your work matters. You matter. You did the thing. You made change. The rest is just icing on the cake. :)

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Jan 24, 2022Liked by Holly Whitaker

Happy Birthday Holly!!!! I cant believe you're only 43. I always forget what a baby you are- probably because you're so wise- as evidenced by this post.

I’ve decided to wallpaper my bedroom and I am literally waking up in the middle of the night thinking how will I explain (and to whom???) that as the world was ending I was picking out wallpaper? I don’t know what to do… I have kids and a family who depend on me so it’s not like I can drop everything and entirely devote my life to saving the planet right? I put this quote on my phone so it pops up on my screen when my alarm goes off in the am- “Maybe working on the little things as dutifully and honestly as we can is how we stay sane when the world is falling apart.” So I do the laundry and sort the socks and make lunches and floss and stay away from the things that aren’t good for me.

All of which is to say, I HEAR YOU. xo

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43 is a baby! I love that perspective. Jesus. Look. Don't take this as me having any answer whatsoever! But I think that often I get into this idea that what i have to do needs to be grand, large, etc. And I think all of us feel that way. Then I remember, well, we're all cells in a body. Individual cells, and change is made at the cellular level. And so anything we personally do; whatever choices we make to impact the planet, whatever joy we chase and refuse to let go over, whatever healing, how kind we are to each person we encounter, each choice for love over hate or peace over war; all that stuff. That's how change is made. “Maybe working on the little things as dutifully and honestly as we can is how we stay sane when the world is falling apart.” Hard agree.

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Ohhhh *those* little things! I think you’re right! ;)

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Feb 21, 2022Liked by Holly Whitaker

Catherine, I love this quote, going to put it on my phone, thanks for sharing!

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Jan 25, 2022·edited Jan 25, 2022Liked by Holly Whitaker

God, I loved this. I laughed and cackled through the whole first half of your letter - I must be like you. (Wouldn't have it any other way!). The line "I see ghosts everywhere" brought me to my metaphorical knees... honestly, I believe, like I think you're saying, that it's already over. It's already gone too far - covid, climate change, dictators destroying - and yes, I see ghosts everywhere, while everyone else tries desperately to pretend it's ok and move on. It's a lonely place to be, and through the second half of your letter, I just said, "yes, yes", over and over. Gawd, just keep writing, please. Knowing I'm not the only one who sees ghosts: balm for my soul, and my sanity. I just loved this.

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Yes. Like yes; but not in a doomsday kind of way, or rather not in a negative way. In a tender way, where we can stop pretending. I think you and I mean similar things is my answer.

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"Tender." yes yes yes. We do mean similar things.

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Feb 24, 2022Liked by Holly Whitaker

Definitely resonates (happy birthday). What’s your take on pure escapism?

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Jan 21, 2023Liked by Holly Whitaker

BRILLIANT, and one year later, just as pertinent.👊👌🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾and the butthair into eyebrows 😂

Thank you!

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THANK YOU. I loved this one so much and lol yes

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