On a slightly different theme but in response to Ann's concern that it will take another generation for the culture around alcohol to change; I am happy to report that after a few attempts at drinking, my 16 year old (it's legal for her to purchase and consume alcohol in Germany) has not only decided that alcohol is not for her but she and another non-alcohol consuming friend are making their middle school finals presentation on the dangers of alcohol consumption and the brainwashing tactics used by media to glamorize it. I have given them QLAW and Drink to begin their research. Your collective works have freed two generations of women from addiction in this little family already. Thank you.

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This is incredible! I wish I had been so smart at 16 instead of standing around a keg in an abandoned field…

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Uff, me too Nicole. I have been sober for 6.5 years. It was VERY PAINFUL and so fucking scary when she was experimenting with alcohol with her friends. We are very close so thankfully she felt that she could call me to come and get her the few times that it happened. She told me how scary it was to feel compelled to drink, even though she really didn't want to, that something took over and the next thing she knew she was drinking. Anyone who's been addicted to anything knows that feeling well. Needless to say, that scared the shit out of me too. She comes from a long heritage of alcohol addiction on both her paternal and maternal lines. I asked her at one point if she would like me to ground her for a few weeks and she thought that was a great idea lol. She ended up taking a couple of months off socializing and joined a couple of clubs to occupy her time and expose herself to a wider group of friends. Interestingly, two of her friends who had been drinking every weekend have now reached out to her to hangout and do make up together, and to watch movies at our place instead of go to drinking parties. I feel like she's a little (big) beacon of light in her community.

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Caitlin! I'm also gonna point out that all the work her mom did on herself played a role in this. This just, it's everything. It's the point. ily

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Jan 25, 2023·edited Jan 25, 2023Liked by Holly Whitaker

This is God's work. I mean it: it could not be more important, or a more important time, to have these conversations about Big Alcohol. I definitely noticed a weird trend this year of people implying, "Dry January is stupid" or memes jesting about only lasting three futile days in Dry January. (The uncomfortable subtext is, Many, many people on Instagram can relate to the difficulty of going three or four days without alcohol? What?)

Holly, you are so appreciated!

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Jan 25, 2023Liked by Holly Whitaker

Mind blown Re: concept of second hand alcohol use. And ya, I was so sad to see “damp January” emerge this year.

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I would venture to guess that the effects of second hand drinking are more pervasive than smoking (it makes me think of that study on the most dangerous drug https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(10)61462-6/fulltext, which was alcohol and much of that rating was based on societal harms/harm to others); and that most of us here don't know it that well is eye opening

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Feb 2, 2023Liked by Holly Whitaker

Yes, I was wondering if I just blocked this out while reading QLAW. In the beginning I only had capacity to think about my relationship w alcohol. Now, this makes me question things like how drinking by the people closest to me impacts me / my kids. I’ve been living the first two years of being AF very quietly, allowing people around me to carry on, and not to request they make changes on my behalf. Thinking that all I need to focus on (or have the ability to control) is myself. But now I wonder. I will definitely be looking into this more!

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Jan 25, 2023·edited Jan 25, 2023Liked by Holly Whitaker

Thank you for this conversation. As a restaurant owner in Canada our manager has been moving heavily to create an interesting non-alcoholic beverage list and it's been wildly popular for some time. Personally I've been on the alcohol free road for a few months now. I was doing extensive research on google about tools for sobriety and how to maneuver through social situations and restaurant culture. What struck me right in the face was that I was on social media and I started getting ads (influencer ads who are no doubt sponsored by some alcohol brand) stating why they were sober and why they have decided to start drinking again. My jaw dropped. They made it sound so rational. An almost eye roll of why you would even consider an alcohol free life and come join the glamorous life of drinking (responsibly they added). It certainly didn't sway me to pick up a drink but it does concern me for those who may be influenced by it. What sickens me is that I never received those ads until I started researching how to live sober in a drinking world. Social media is a dangerous world - particularly when paired with Big Alcohol.

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This is totally insane and not surprising, at all

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Jan 25, 2023Liked by Holly Whitaker

1000 fuck yeahs were uttered while reading this post. Thank you Holly. Your words belong in a congressional hearing. Shocked these companies are getting rich off the second hand drinking victims’ rapes, domestic abuse, and generational trauma of having an alcoholic parent.

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Jan 25, 2023Liked by Holly Whitaker

CaitlinHere Wow you must be so proud of your daughter. So cool she did on her own protecting her brain & self confidence. She will go far.

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Thanks Ann. I'm very proud of her and of myself; that I was able to stay open and present and just be there for her experience. Proud of her that she went there and had the courage to actually let herself experience what it felt like to feel drunk and then talk with me about it. She is awesome.

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Holly, thank YOU for this. I just finished listening to the podcast. I will be sharing this with many beloveds. All of it is a treasure trove of wisdom but most especially your parting words...

<< And I think that there is still this large “it's my fault. It's me, I did it. I'm the one.” And and like, which is only pushed further by the idea of I mean, there's a reason why seventeen different alcohol manufacturers pour money into Portman Group to push a message that they are really, really interested in drinking responsibly, because that in of itself is what inoculates the industry and keeps it from being sued and essentially, having any liability or culpability to all of the destruction that lines you know, its pockets, turns it into gold. Turns our discretion into gold.>>

My mother was addicted to alcohol (9-years sober), my sister was addicted to alcohol (14-years sober), my brother was addicted to alcohol too (2-months sober). BUT he did not come out unscathed. He has a decompensated liver. He was in the hospital for acute hepatitis; did not stop drinking, then ended up back in the ICU ventilated with hepatic encephalopathy. His liver is no longer unable to heal. We hope for stability. We hope for a miracle. But his addiction to alcohol destroyed his liver, and so much more. It breaks my heart over and over and over again. Thank you for continuing this pursuit. Thank you for bringing voice to the aches of so many. So very grateful. xo

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I have the same family history, and the same uncle. It is quite something, though, how many of you stopped drinking. Truly. Thanks Mary

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Holly, thank you for continuing to push this issue. It’s so very important. I’d join in a class action suit with you.

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Jan 25, 2023Liked by Holly Whitaker

I love reading your work, Holly, because you have the courage to say what I believe but I'm afraid to reveal because I'm afraid of other people's defensiveness. I also get it, because I've been the defensive one with both alcohol AND pot!

I'm almost 5 years sober from alcohol and marijuana, and when the American Cancer Society came out with their recommendations, I got such a burst of energy because there's so many #fuckcancer hashtags, I thought for sure that all the cancer foundations would pick up the message, and it would lead to an avalanche of sobriety. I guess I forgot about the addictive drug part, and how it would probably alienate the majority of their donors.

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Two pioneers. I dare all of us women to "drink responsibly" meaning, not drink at all, ban together in sober community, up our confidence + self love, and use our power to overthrow these mother effers. Put me on the Team Ann and Holly!

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Thank you Holly! And thank you for including Anne Dowsett Johnston! I absolutely loved your conversation and so much to think about!

I just had a short interaction on IG with a sober (kinda) friend....she’s posting about Heineken Zero at the Super Bowl and how happy she is for this. I basically pointed out that they are part of Big Alcohol and she basically replied - “we’re not going to see a difference in our lifetime so we may as well support them.” WTF??? Really??

I wanted to tell her that if everyone felt that way, how would change even start?? And it’s so true...but she also really pissed me off. Anyway...I did not want to go back and forth with her on IG because I do not have the bandwidth right now, but I truly want to address this.

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This was fantastic! Such a treat to have the two of you discussing this topic. I love Ann, she’s a cheetah and a brilliant human. Thank you 🙏

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Holly! I have been following you (IG+) since I first dipped my toes in what I now call ClearLife in 2017. Thank you for your trailblazing and your tone and your writing and everything.

I've been thinking of you all day because today I published a post on Ireland's recent label laws and this it reinvigorated my passion for pursuing Big Alcohol legally... something that I vowed to do while navigating breast cancer earlier this year.

I am doing some work here and would love to be directly in touch. I'm a lawyer hiring lawyers and would love to invite you to be included, your bandwidth permitting.

-Cecily Mak


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